Tuesday, November 22, 2011

VEE Corrections

I've reposted my VEE FAQs as I got the course options backwards for the STATS line.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Validation By Educational Experience

I've has a number of inquiries about VEE this month so I thought I'd step through some FAQs both in general and with respect to UofR Courses.  

  • What is VEE?
    • These are topics that the Society of Actuaries wants you to know about, but that the SOA doesn't want to test you on directly.  There are 3 topics - Applied Statistics, Economics and Corporate Finance.
  • How do I get VEE credits?  
    • The simplest way is to take the right UofR courses and get a minimum mark of 70% in each of them.  Most of these are courses that you need for your degree anyway.  Based on the current calendar the courses you need are as follows
      • For Applied Statistics either
        • a 70% in BOTH STAT 354 and STAT 471; OR
        • a 70% in ACSC 418
      • For Economics
        • a 70% in BOTH ECON 201 and ECON 202
      • For Corporate Finance
      • a 70% in BOTH BUS 285 and BUS 395
  • What if I didn't take the right courses?  There are a number of alternate ways of getting VEE credit listed on the SOA web-site.  These are often examinations set by other bodies or on-line coruses aimed directly at meeting VEE criteria.
  • When do I need to Apply for VEE with the SOA/CIA?  When you apply for an actuarial designation (ASA, ACIA or CERA) you need to show that you've met all of the criteria - which includes SOA exams, FAP modules and VEE credits.  You can simply supply a copy of your UofR Transcript to show that you've met VEE requirements (or similar transcripts where applicable).

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Visit From the SOA

Yesterday we had an on site visit from Stuart Klugman of the Society of Actuaries.  Stuart will be well known to actuaries who have been involved with the educational system of the SOA any time in the last 30 years.  His name will also be known to students who have taken ACSC318, ACSC417 or ACSC419 at the U of R or SOA exam C - since he co-authored the "Loss Models" text used for these courses.

We had a meeting with UofR staff and then a longer session for students.  The latter included three local practising actuaries from the Co-operators (Greg Bacon, Joan Ganas and David Keeper).  We had about 25-30 students in attendence ranging from first years to grad. students.

Thanks to Stuart, Joan, Greg and David for putting on a good show! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Visit From The SOA

The Society of Actuaries is Coming to the University of Regina on Tuesday November 15th.  Details below.