This year marked the first year of the CIA's UAP (University Accreditation Program) and we have the first group of U of R students eligible for exam exemptions under the program. We had 5 students eligible for a CIA exemption from exam FM and two students eligible for an exemption from MFE. These students need to apply to the CIA to receive official confirmation. The process is outlined below in information that I received from the CIA this week.
We would like to advise you that if any of your student wishes to apply for a UAP exemption for a course taken in the fall 2012 or winter 2013, they can do so by May 23, in order to be approved by the Eligibility & Education Council (EEC) at its meeting on May 30. The next deadline will be July 07 to be approved by the EEC at its next meeting on July 15.
You can also direct your students to our website at: There is all the necessary information about the program, fees and application form.
The students need to complete the application form and mail it to my attention, along with the original transcript, and payment.
I hope this information is useful, please let me know if you need anything else.