Friday, January 13, 2012

Passer's Night Janaury 20th, 2012

Paul Gobeil at the Cooperators pased on the details of the Upcoming passer's night on Janaury 20th. 

Hello again to all the actuaries and actuarial students! I have the honour
of planning this winter's Passers' Night, a celebration of exam success and
a social gathering for the actuarial community.

Here are the details:

Date:       Friday, January 20
Time:       5:00 PM - ???? (come straight from work!)
Location:   Sparky's Family Restaurant, 3926 Gordon Rd (they have great

This is the night every few months where we defy the actuary stereotypes
and party like it's the end of the world. (Maybe it is?) The way the event
works is that we contribute different amounts depending on which exam we
passed, and the money goes into a tab that everyone orders from. The fees
are designed to even out the motivation to party: the passers have their
exam results to celebrate, and the non-passers are getting a good deal.

For actuarial students who didn't pass, the fee is $25 (only if you
attend). FSAs don't pay anything. We're on the honour system here, but if
you passed, please pay your fee regardless of whether you are attending.
You are welcome to bring your significant other, and their fee is also $25.
Fees can be paid to me in advance or at the event.

Here is the fee schedule:

Please RSVP (to Paul) so I have an estimate of the budget and head count, and tell me
which exam you passed, if applicable.
Paul Gobeil   |   Actuarial Associate   |   Corporate Actuarial   |
Co-operators Life Insurance Company
5W - 1920 College Ave, Regina, SK   S4P 1C4   |   (306) 347-6691   |

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